10 Reasons Drinking Whiskey Could Be Healthy for You
Whiskey for health? Don’t mind if we do! Here are some ways whiskey could improve your wellbeing.

Studies find that having whiskey in moderate amounts can boost health and protect against certain diseases.

Need something to raise your glass of favourite whiskey? First, you might want to say cheers to the 16th century medieval Scottish and Irish who first developed the spirit and called it “the water of life” in Gaelic. It certainly appears they knew something about the health benefits of whiskey even way back then. Studies have found that drinking whiskey in moderate amounts can boost health, from protecting against heart disease and cancer to reducing stress and aiding digestion. Now is as good a time as any to raise that glass! LOWERS RISK OF HEART DISEASE The idea that moderate drinking protects against cardiovascular disease makes sense biologically and scientifically. A Harvard T.H. School of Public Health report states that moderate amounts of alcohol raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good” cholesterol). Higher HDL levels are associated with protection against heart disease. Reasonable alcohol consumption is also linked to beneficial changes varying from better sensitivity to insulin to improvements in factors that influence blood clotting. HELPS FIGHT CANCER Medicaldaily.com says whiskey contains high levels of antioxidant compound ellagic acid, which helps neutralise free radicals, the harmful by-products of cellular metabolism that cause diseases like cancer. The report adds that the high levels of ellagic acid in whiskey could serve as an effective measure in preventing cancer. PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS Womenshealthmag.com says your new best friend could be whiskey if weight loss is your goal. To keep the calories low in your whiskey or scotch, mix it with a no-calorie mixer such as water or soda water. A whiskey, bourbon or scotch shot contains 105 calories (.03 grams of carbs per ounce, .03 grams of sugar per ounce). REDUCES STRESS Studies of the relationship between alcohol and stress suggest that drinking can reduce stress in certain people and under certain circumstances. Scientists also have identified situational variables that modify alcohol’s Stress Response-Dampening (SRD) effects. For example, alcohol has been shown to reduce stress reliably when drinking occurs in pleasant circumstances. DIABETES RISK CONTROL According to diabetes.co.uk, there is no need for people with diabetes to give up alcohol simply because of the condition. Although alcohol can affect blood sugar levels, people with diabetes can also enjoy a drink with a few precautions and careful management. Because whiskey is a distilled spirit without carbs, it makes a decent drink for someone with diabetes – either neat or on the rocks!

Alcohol like whiskey can reduce stress in pleasant social circumstances.

LOWERS RISK OF DEMENTIA A study on aged individuals without dementia showed moderate alcohol intake could be associated with lower cerebral amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition. This protein fragment is deposited in the brain in an increased manner for those with Alzheimer’s. The study adds that moderate, lifelong alcohol intake may have a beneficial influence on the disease. GESUNDHEIT! FIGHT THAT COLD According to webmd.com, whiskey can temporarily widen your blood vessels. In small amounts, this can help clear mucus congestion in your sinuses and chest, which lets your body better deal with sickness and infection. This effect may also relieve other symptoms of a cold or flu, like coughing or wheezing. NATURE'S DIGESTIF According to Whisky Loot, it is common to feel a rumble in your stomach after a large meal. If you feel nauseous, a post-meal whiskey may help ease your stomach, as it stimulates your stomach enzymes and gets your digestive system moving fast. Not only will your stomach work hard to break down the whisky, but it will also break down that large meal in the process. BLOOD CLOT THINNER According to studies, the blood-thinning properties of whiskey could work to prevent excessive clotting. Blood clots in your vessels and arteries can lead to serious heart problems. With improved blood flow, there is less of a possibility that blood will coagulate and form clots. IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER Several studies link moderate alcohol consumption to improved immunity of diseases and responses to vaccines, says webmd.com. Studies show lower rates of the common cold, faster removal of bacteria, and better antibody response in people who have a daily drink instead of those who don’t.