Woodrose Healthcare is a provider of holistic healthcare services that cuts across a number of segments and disciplines. Within this wide spectrum, elderly care services is the core offering of our Group. The other services include our MuscleWave musculoskeletal therapy programme, speech therapy, occupational therapy as well as physiotherapy services. Under Woodrose Healthcare, we have two brands, namely Woodrose Senior Residences Sdn Bhd and Sommerfield Homes Sdn Bhd. Woodrose Senior Residences is run in accordance with Shariah principles, whereby the entire experience and concept of specialised elderly care has been thought through from the ground up whilst taking into consideration the needs and requirements of our Muslim residents. Across both brands, our philosophy is that our homes should exist at the intersection between technology, quality care and carefully designed SOPs. This is to ensure that not only are our elders’ medical care optimised, but that they also experience the highest quality of life commensurate to their individual circumstances.

To achieve this, we have carefully crafted our homes to envelop our elders in a warm and caring environment, encourage them to take part in physical exercise & rehab programmes as well as participate in mentally stimulating activities that are specifically designed for the needs of our elders. We also believe that a proper diet will provide a significant impact on every person’s quality of life and take extra measures in tailoring the individual meals that are provided for our elders. At Woodrose Healthcare, we strongly believe that if our heart is in the right place, everything else will easily follow through. Let us help your loved ones to have the best quality of care in their golden years. Woodrose… where care meets comfort. To know more about us, please log on to https://www.woodrose.com.my/ and https://www.sommerfieldhomes.com/